Friday, February 6, 2009

The Flu

The flu bug has flown through us. I subbed on Wednesday and everyone I talked to felt crappy or was recovering from it. I came home and fell asleep and woke up thinking “I think I better get to the bathroom NOW.”

But it wasn’t as bad as some tales I’ve heard. My sister-in-law was struck at the mall and threw up for 10 minutes in Penney’s. No, not in the Penney’s restroom. In the actual store. She was mortified, but praises the employees who offered her help.

Why is it that when people are sick, they have to go into all the gory details about what their symptoms? I have one friend who also tries to top any detail I relate with one of her own. Like if I complain of chilling, she has been so cold she had to drink hot fluids, get out the heating pad, and lie under two blankets. I don’t need a blow by blow description of your illness. I just need a little sympathy. A little motherly stewing over me.

Monte came down with the stomach rumblings yesterday. So we spent the day feeling crappy and feeling sorry for ourselves.

But today is a new day and I feel fine. No chills, no headache, no stomach distress. The plan for today is to get out of my pajamas, take a shower, and wash the sheets. I even feel so good I may shave my legs and put on some makeup.

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