Monday, December 29, 2008

Norman Rockwell Should be Hanged

Christmas with the Horde is over. They have come, protesting that there is too much food even as they fill their plates for the third time, and gone leaving behind dirty towels and a Christmas tree with rearranged ornaments. I can say it wasn’t as bad as I expected, but that is not saying much that is positive.

We have hosted Monte’s family for the past 10 or 11 years. It’s always been a hassle to plan and prepare for their coming. For various reasons this year it became something I’ve dreaded and ranted and raved about for all of December. Poor Monte and my friends really heard about it. But it’s over and we all survived and it turned out all right.

This year was the first year our nephew brought his new wife and three daughters. It was the first time my 81 year old father-in-law met his first great-grandchild. And there were expectations that it would be instant love on his part. I expected only hurt feelings when Grandpa didn’t express wonder at her babblings and clamor to hold her. But it all turned out ok. He did try to play with her and her half sisters, but had a hard time seeing them much less connecting to them as the camera lights blinded him any time he made a move in the girls’ direction. In time maybe the newness will wear off and they’ll be given time to come to know each other with no one trying to hover over them and record the progress.

The meal was good with concessions to a 6 year old, a two year old, and an 11 month old being made. I now remember that meals should be on a schedule and that little hands can reach higher than I expect. And like I said it’s over for at least a year maybe two.

As for me I’m planning for a different meal next year. I’m giving up the Norman Rockwell picture in my mind of a full table surrounded by smiling multi-generations sitting down to it. And I’ll go with the flow of plastic cups instead of wine glasses and talk of poop at the dinner table. I’m pretty sure my sanity is worth it.

Maybe next year I’ll have an adult dinner party with candles and wine glasses on the table and soft music in the background. I’ll invite our friends that have become family. We’ll have adult conversation in low tones. I’ll have it in January so it’s vision will help me shut my eyes to the spilt milk and close my ears to the cranky kids and picture the perfect dinner yet to come.

1 comment:

  1. So true. The reality of a meal with extended family is always much less glamorous than the version I show up expecting year after year. In addition to Norman Rockwell, I blame soaps. If you invite me to your adult party next year, I will wear heels and diamonds and highlights so glitzy it will put any star of Days of Our Lives to shame.

    P.S. -- Love the blog! (Whitney shared a link with us last week.)
